
10 productive things to do to keep busy.

Hey guys, Here are some productive things to keep busy. 1. Make a book club with some close friends. 2.  Write a play and produce it with your family. 3. Write a letter to family that you can’t be with. 4.  Reorganize something that is messy. I know there is something that is messy in your room. 5. Set up a hammock and read a new or favorite book. 6.  Do a PowerPoint on something that interests you and something you haven’t done any project’s on. 7.  Teach someone in your family how to do something you are good at. 8. Practice something you want to get better at. 9. Make a meal for your family. 10. Do a craft with your family.                                Thanks for reading my blogs.                                              Emerson.

20 things to do to stay sane during quarantine

Hey y’all, I’ve come up with a list of things to do to keep sane during quarantine. Hope this helps. 1.Help cook a meal your parents would love the help. Trust me. 2. Teach your pet a new trick. If you don’t have a pet and want one, research the type of pet you want and write a paper about the type of pet and why you deserve it. 3.Read a book I am very sure that there is one or two hiding in you bookcase you haven’t read. 4.Doodle a little bit! Of some thing you miss about being with your friends or of something your happy about. Just a few ideas. 5.Write about something! It doesn’t even have to make sense just feel free to write about what ever you want. 6.Play outside with your family or by yourself. 7.Call your friends or family members you can’t be with. 8.Play a bored game with your family. 9.Go for a walk and point out any signs that spring is coming. 10. Make up your own game and teach it to your family! 11.Clean up your room. I may sound like your mom bu